For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Surgery update # 2

Today has been a big day for Sarah!! This morning at rounds they said she had a good night and her urine catheter could be removed, the probes measuring her oxygen to the brain could be removed and her oxygen could be removed. Her oxygen had been in the 80's and they wanted to see if she could stay above 75 without oxygen. Well, this afternoon she was dipping into the 60's so she is back on some oxygen now. She still has 4 IV's, the biggest one to get removed will be the RA line that runs directly into her heart. We were just told that it would not come out until tomorrow along with the heart drainage tube. So, that means at least another night in ICU. She has 2 IV's in her right arm, one of those may be removed tonight. The other one and the one in her neck will have to stay. We are not able to hold her until the RA line is removed. That is the hardest part, she reaches for me and looks into my eyes, and I can't pick her up. So hard for mom!!

Mitchell was able to come up this afternoon, so good to see him and I know he was glad to see Sarah, even if she was asleep most of the time.   The highlight of my day was when I asked Sarah for a kiss and she puckered up and lifted her head!!! So super sweet she is!!  She did have about an hour of playfulness.  I got some really cute pictures, but for some reason they were not uploading correctly.  I am going to try and put them on facebook.

Overall she is doing really well and I think we are on track to go home Monday or Tuesday.  Thanks for all the prayers. What a Mighty God we serve!

1 comment:

  1. We continue to pray for sweet Sarah and for your mommy's heart. I know how hard it is to want to hold your girl and to have to wait!! The Horton Family
