For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Surgery Tomorrow

Sarah will go in for open heart surgery tomorrow morning. As I think back over the past 3 weeks I am AMAZED as how far she has come. I love watching her laugh and run through the house yelling "mama". We were well prepared going into the adoption for all of the "typical" issues seen in adopted children (especially that have been institutionalized for 2 years), but I tell you it has been SO good. I am not so naive to think that things cannot come up later, but she brightens up our day and I thank the Lord that he gave us such a precious gift.

Mitchell and Allie are bonding with her so very well. To see them push her in the little pink coupe car through the house, taking her outside and pulling the wagon, or them taking the initiative to make her a cup of juice or give her their things is just so sweet.

Sarah has finally decided that dad is not so bad!! I think Jerry about fell out of the chair on Sunday morning in church when she reached for him from my arms. He quickly scooped her up and took her out for some daddy - daughter time. He can make her laugh so much!! Sorry to be so mushy - but just reflecting on what a great family God has given me!!

As most of you know Sarah has single ventricle and several other heart issues.  The surgery tomorrow is called Glenn Shunt where they will redirect the top 1/3 of the body's blue blood directly to her lungs. There will need to be a second surgery about a year from now where they will address the blue blood from the bottom 2/3 of her body. While I am constantly concerned about her blood oxygen and anatomy of how her heart is developed, it is also amazing to think that God has known and formed her from the beginning and knows exactly what is needed for her to fulfill His plans for her life.

Here are some pictures of us preparing her for the surgery tomorrow, Sarah and I decided to perform open heart surgery on the baby doll (LOL!!). 

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