For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, October 14, 2013

Braxton Jeremiah Guy
Most of you know the story of how we were introduced to Braxton, however I wanted to share for those of you that don’t know the wonderful story!  As we prepared to travel to China to pick up Sarah we were told that Love Without Boundaries had raised the funds for Sarah’s surgery if we wanted to have it in China.  We decided to hold off and have surgery once we got her in the US.  The Heart Director for Love Without Boundaries sent us a note that a 10 week old little boy had received the funds for his life saving surgery:

Notes from e-mail “His Ayi was so afraid on the trip because he was quite short of breath and needed O2 the entire time.”

                                             Morning of Braxton's Surgery (April 2012)
This all happened in April and we traveled to China in May to pick up Sarah.  We got Sarah home, had her first surgery, she settled in did absolutely GREAT!  Braxton was on our mind frequently and after being home 8 months I reached out to see how he did with the surgery and his recovery.  He struggled getting healthy after surgery – struggling with pneumonia and ecoli.  Fortunately Love Without Boundaries has a healing home in Beijing where he has been able to stay to recover without having to go back to the orphanage.  He has been in the healing home since he arrived in April 2012. 

February 2013 picture:
Two months later we enquired to see if he was available for adoption, however due to his medical condition they did not feel that he would be put on the shared list.  The director did say that if a family would come forward and make a commitment toward adoption they could advocate for him to get paper ready.  After much prayer we knew this was God’s plan for our family.

On April 8th we submitted our application to America World to start the process of both getting him paper ready our adoption paperwork ready.  Due to his health condition we have expedited the process.
April 2013 Pictures:

Our Agency, Love Without Boundaries and believe it or not the US Government worked very hard to get everything in place, approvals, Braxton’s adoption paperwork, etc.. to ensure we get this little fella home as soon as possible.
Braxton continued to be in and out of isolation, he would get colds easily, had chicken pox, not gaining weight at the rate they would like him too.  He is a happy little boy, he likes to watch TV, colorful toys / rattles, and is getting more active.
We were so blessed to have our friends visit the healing home while in China and provide information that we will cherish forever!
 August 2013 Picture:

Everything has gone so fast and we are now waiting on the final steps to get travel approval.  Due to Braxton’s health condition the Healing home has agreed to allow his nanny to travel with him to Nanchang (Jiangxi Province) and let us pick him up from there vs. him having to return to the orphanage.  Another answered prayer!!
We are so looking forward to meeting our little guy in only a few short weeks. I will start updating the blog again to keep everyone posted on when we will travel and updates while we are in China.  Thanks for all of your prayers!!