For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Moving right along...

Internet / VPN has been a little flaky over the past couple of days - so the post is pretty long!

Before leaving Nanchang we visited a large park in the city.  In China the government spends a lot of money on large parks that have exercise equipment, lakes, trees, amusement park, etc.. they are frequently full of people.  When we visited there were a large number of elderly people in the park and they gathered around us almost immediately.  They did not understand why we had 4 kids – why we had adopted when we had 2 kids (especially twice), they were nice and wanted us to get involved with them.  One of the guys gave us badminton rackets and sent Jerry and Allie on their way!!  It provided them with lots of entertainment as our crew was not very good – LOL!!  They loved watching our kids interact with them

We finally found a great restaurant in Nanchang (Bistro 100), it’s a French restaurant that was started by a guy from Texas – go figure, but the food was really good.  Just had to deal with the guy smoking every 5 minutes beside us!  It’s amazing to me how many people smoke here – no matter where you go – the taxi drivers, people in the hotel, restaurants.  Even in the Civil Affairs office where we had to sign papers for Braxton – the guy had a cigarette on the desk.  His full time job is to work with adoptive parents on finalizing the papers and he sits there smoking  – AMAZING and crazy!!

On Friday we flew from Nanchang to Guangzhou, so happy to be here.  While there are still many challenges – it just feels more like home.  This is the providence where Sarah is from and we spent about a week and a half here last time.  We feel more comfortable with the restaurants, people and the hotel is 100 times better.  Braxton did great on the flight, he was awake the whole time, looking around and checking out everyone.  

Braxton is making small improvements each day – it’s amazing to see him start to explore and use muscles he probably did not even know he had!  The kids continue to do well, although Sarah is getting a little tired of mommy holding this baby.  Trying to give her dedicated time, but she is a momma’s girl and it’s hard for her to give up anytime.   She is getting to sleep with me each night, so she loves that!  Braxton’s personality is starting to show through, he has discovered food and LOVES it!  We are amazed at how different he looks after just 1 week.  He is already looking healthier and I hope the weight gain comes shortly behind.  He is going to join the ranks with our biological children and be picky – he pushes away anything that does not taste sweet!  He can down a 4 oz bottle of apple juice in about 10 minutes, but give him water and he can go all day – who does that sound like????  Allie!!

Braxton had his medical appointment yesterday.  He did not like it, but everything went really well.  Since he is under 2 he did not have to get a TB test – YEAH!!  One less thing to cry about.  We ran into a couple that also adopted a little girl from the Heartbridge Healing Home and was in the same room with Braxton – how cool!!  We saw them briefly when we were at the healing home on Saturday.  There is a pretty big group of people here adopting – so exciting to see so many children going into loving homes (many strong Christians). 

After the medical exam we went through all of our paperwork and got our US Consulate appointment package ready – our last appointment before we leave for Hong Kong!!  Our appointment is Monday morning and we will be able to get his US Visa on Tuesday afternoon.   The kids were excited to have dinner at Lucy’s on Shaiman Island (one of their favorite places in Guangzhou)!  It was great!  

Today we visited an Academy where the Emperor families attended during the Chen Dynasty.  The workmanship that people did by hand is just amazing - the pictures do not do it justice.  

Then onto some more shopping... I think China wants to make sure they get as much US $$ as possible while we are here – LOL!!  They are doing a pretty good job of that.
My little shopper...

More pictures…

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sorry for not being better about posting.  We are in Nanchang and have finished all of the paperwork and just waiting for Braxton’s passport to be ready Friday so we can travel to Guangzhou.  Braxton is doing very good, he has adjusted to mama and baba – he cries when we put him down and is happy when we are holding him. He is laughing and clapping (especially for Mitchell, Allie and Sarah).  When they are in our room playing and leave he will start to cry and look for them.  So sweet!!

Braxton is more delayed in his motor skill development than we expected, but we will get him in physical therapy once home and hopefully he will be up and chasing the kids in no time.  As you can see from the pictures he is about the size of a 6 – 9 month old baby.  Looking forward to getting him home and to the doctor’s.

We are in Jiangxi province and there are very few people that speak English here, it’s more difficult to navigate than Beijing or Guangzhou.  Our guide has us crossing the road which freaks us out!!  It is so dangerous to cross the roads in China and you add 2 strollers to that and it is crazy!!  The good news – we are noticed everywhere we go, no one is going to miss the “big white family” they will hit the wall trying to see us.  We were in the shopping center yesterday and this guy almost walked right into something looking at Braxton in the stroller and the white family pushing him.  We get these looks every day, we have learned to just embrace it and give them the entertainment they deserve.  At lunch today has to be the best.  Our guide took us into a restaurant and helped us order and then she left – no one in the restaurant spoke English.   When we got our food (family style where everyone shared larger portions) there were no plates on the table, so we all ate out of the small saucer on the table.  They did not bring forks (you would think they would have gotten the hint when Sarah was slurping the noodles and Jerry CAN NOT use chop sticks, but they just all looked and laughed.  On a good note – no one understood us so we talked about them and laughed as well!  To add to the craziness yesterday Sarah and I were playing on the bed and she hit me in the eye with her head.  It must have been the perfect spot because my eye started to swell immediately!  So I either wear sunglasses everywhere we go or I go in and get even more looks for having a black eye.
Oh, the joys Braxton has to look forward to!

Now to the part you all really care about, the pictures!
Here is Sarah holding her brother for the first time – she’s pretty excited, he is NOT

Allie holding her brother for the first time (so sweet)!!!!
Mitchell holding his brother (not the first time, but a cute pic)

Today we visited the Pavilion which has a temple that was built in the 500’s AD by an emperor to use for entertainment.  Our first family pictures

 Mama’s babies
View’s of the city from the temple (you will notice the smog and pollution)

Took picture of some yummy chips. Really??  Who eats this??  In case you cant read it (Spicy Green Peppercorn Fish Flavor & Hot & Sour Fish Soup Flavor)

View from Hotel Room

Group that exercises each morning (outside our window)

 Other cute pics:

Saved the best for last.....

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Today we started with a very windy and cold day at the Great Wall of China.  Jerry, Mitchell & Allie started off on a journey to conquer 5 watchtowers while Alice had to stop after the first watchtower. Sarah and I ventured up a little past #2, and then she needed to sit down and got really cold. So, we decided to do what we do best and go do a little shopping!!  About an hour and a half later Jerry, Mitchell & Allie made it back from the adventure - so jealous of how far and how much they were able to see. They were pretty proud of themselves I think they said they did about 10 watchtowers. 

After leaving the Great Wall we had an authentic Chinese lunch and headed for the airport. We met more craziness from our travels - the zipper on one of our suitcases broke. We thought it would be ok and we could just buy a new one in Nanchang. Never that easy - that's the one suitcase (out of the 6) that customs called out and wanted to look through.  Once Jerry opened it and they looked - they were unable to get it zipped back. I so wish I would have taken a picture! 

While at the airport we met the Nanny who had Braxton for the trip to Nanchang for the big day tomorrow.  She was still very protective and we decided to let her care for him until tomorrow when we officially receive him.  Mitchell was thrilled when he went through security and the nanny handed Braxton to him while they scanned her.   He cried some, but no major screams like we heard yesterday.  While sitting and waiting on the plane the kids played with him and it was so good to see him respond and laugh. He has the cutest smile / laugh. 

The flight was about 45 minutes late taking off and I just knew he would be fussy being on the plane that long, but he did pretty well. I am not sure what the nanny told the flight crew, but they came to Jerry's seat and asked if the baby was his, he said yes and he had to write out that he could handle the flight with his heart condition and sign it.  He has a lot more flights to make it home - this was just the start. 

While on the bus ride from the airport to hotel our guide asked if we wanted to keep Braxton in the room with us?  Of course – what do you think we came all this way for??  The nanny said she was fine with letting him stay with us.  YEAH!!  While he has had some crying fits – mainly when we hold him, he would rather just lie in the crib.  The kids are thrilled that he is already with us.  Can’t wait to tell you about tomorrow eating breakfast, staying with us for a whole day, etc..  Mitchell, Allie and Sarah are all great with them and can make him smile – which is what I have so longed to see! 

We are still trying to recover from the jet lag - kids were up at like 4am this morning. Praying tomorrow we can possibly sleep until 5:30 or 6. For those that know me - I AM NOT a morning person, so to be up at 4 just seems crazy!!

Heartbridge Healing Home

We visited the Heartbridge Healing home, it’s was so great to be able to finally see and hold our little baby, but also hard because the nannies were very protective of him and when he cried they would take him to calm him down.  I understand their intentions; he has stranger anxiety and was screaming to the point of turning blue and having a hard time breathing.  I just wanted to take him and spend time with him vs. having them standing over us and continuing to take him, but I worry about how he is going to do.  I will be so glad Monday when he is ours and we can start the bonding process.  It’s a good sign that he has bonded with his nannies and I know he will do the same with us – just takes time. 

Braxton was very small and weak, they said he is feed cereal (like baby cereal) every 4 hours and takes a bottle – he is treated like an infant even through it is almost 2 years old.  I am hopefully that after a couple days with us we can get him eating some solids (noodles, rice, etc..).  We met the founders and owners (Robin & Joyce) who are an amazing couple that have given up so much to care for these children.  For that I will be forever grateful!  The healing home is just a small portion of their facility; they have a large foster home for children with special correctable needs.  I think there are 5 homes across China where they care for children.

After getting back from the healing home Sarah laid down for a nap and I went shopping with the kids.  When we got back (4 hours later) she was still asleep and Jerry said she was not feeling well.  We tried to get her up, she would not eat dinner and just went back to sleep.  We have started her on antibiotics and hope that she will feel better very soon!