For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sarah's first beach trip

Wanted to capture and share some of the experiences from our family beach trip and Sarah's first time seeing the baech and ocean.  She LOVED it of course (but I expected nothing less).  She is still doing so good.  She has been been recovering so good from her surgery and she thinks the world of the kids!  If Mitchell and Allie can do it - Sarah thinks she can do it!!  She has about 10 to 15 engish words that she can use can approperiately - I am so proud of all she has accomplished in just 2 short months.  She has her first dentist appt. this week and follow up with cardiologist - praying they are uneventful!

Enjoy the pictures!
The first time Sarah saw the ocean

Sarah enjoying the water - the water is her favorite!!

Allie enjoying the ocean!!

Mitchell getting in on the fun!!
Sarah loves her daddy!!

She did not complain at all about getting burried in the sand!

My two goofy ones!

Big sissy taking good care of her new sissy!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Surgery Update #3

Sarah continues to do well and recovering quicker than I could have imagined. It is amazing how much they can do with the heart and the resilience of kids. Today we found our that Sarah's heart function has decreased and they are starting her on an ACE inhibitator. Praying that everything goes well and we will be home soon. She was up and running around today, however I don't think she felt as good as Sat. She has not been eating and drinking as much so looking for a better day tomorrow!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Surgery update # 2

Today has been a big day for Sarah!! This morning at rounds they said she had a good night and her urine catheter could be removed, the probes measuring her oxygen to the brain could be removed and her oxygen could be removed. Her oxygen had been in the 80's and they wanted to see if she could stay above 75 without oxygen. Well, this afternoon she was dipping into the 60's so she is back on some oxygen now. She still has 4 IV's, the biggest one to get removed will be the RA line that runs directly into her heart. We were just told that it would not come out until tomorrow along with the heart drainage tube. So, that means at least another night in ICU. She has 2 IV's in her right arm, one of those may be removed tonight. The other one and the one in her neck will have to stay. We are not able to hold her until the RA line is removed. That is the hardest part, she reaches for me and looks into my eyes, and I can't pick her up. So hard for mom!!

Mitchell was able to come up this afternoon, so good to see him and I know he was glad to see Sarah, even if she was asleep most of the time.   The highlight of my day was when I asked Sarah for a kiss and she puckered up and lifted her head!!! So super sweet she is!!  She did have about an hour of playfulness.  I got some really cute pictures, but for some reason they were not uploading correctly.  I am going to try and put them on facebook.

Overall she is doing really well and I think we are on track to go home Monday or Tuesday.  Thanks for all the prayers. What a Mighty God we serve!

Surgery Update

Happy to report that Sarah is out of surgery, everything went well. She will be in ICU for at least another day. They were able to take the tubes out around 4pm and has been sleeping pretty good since then. Hope to get some liquids in her tonight and food tomorrow. Her oxygen is in the 80's which is great (considering where she was). Her fingers and toes are pink, making mom and dad pretty happy.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Surgery Tomorrow

Sarah will go in for open heart surgery tomorrow morning. As I think back over the past 3 weeks I am AMAZED as how far she has come. I love watching her laugh and run through the house yelling "mama". We were well prepared going into the adoption for all of the "typical" issues seen in adopted children (especially that have been institutionalized for 2 years), but I tell you it has been SO good. I am not so naive to think that things cannot come up later, but she brightens up our day and I thank the Lord that he gave us such a precious gift.

Mitchell and Allie are bonding with her so very well. To see them push her in the little pink coupe car through the house, taking her outside and pulling the wagon, or them taking the initiative to make her a cup of juice or give her their things is just so sweet.

Sarah has finally decided that dad is not so bad!! I think Jerry about fell out of the chair on Sunday morning in church when she reached for him from my arms. He quickly scooped her up and took her out for some daddy - daughter time. He can make her laugh so much!! Sorry to be so mushy - but just reflecting on what a great family God has given me!!

As most of you know Sarah has single ventricle and several other heart issues.  The surgery tomorrow is called Glenn Shunt where they will redirect the top 1/3 of the body's blue blood directly to her lungs. There will need to be a second surgery about a year from now where they will address the blue blood from the bottom 2/3 of her body. While I am constantly concerned about her blood oxygen and anatomy of how her heart is developed, it is also amazing to think that God has known and formed her from the beginning and knows exactly what is needed for her to fulfill His plans for her life.

Here are some pictures of us preparing her for the surgery tomorrow, Sarah and I decided to perform open heart surgery on the baby doll (LOL!!). 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sorry I have not been so good posting since being home, but little Sarah has been so GREAT!!!  She has adjusted better than I could have ever imagined.  She is eating good, sleeping good, attaching good and just all around perfect!

As many of you know the diagnosis from the cardiologist was a little more severe that what we expected, however we know that she is in God’s hands and we have just been amazed as how he has kept her safe over the past 2 years.  We are in the hospital today for her heart cath and she is scheduled for surgery next Wed (6/6).   We prayed this morning that it would be easy on her (having nothing to eat, getting an IV, etc..).  Our prayers were answered (as they always are), the child life staff has been great, she loved the play room, they did not do the IV until she was asleep.  While there were some screaming, overall she did GREAT!

I am posting some pictures from our last days in China (since I was not able to log on from Hong Kong) and a few since we have gotten home.

                                   Our family with the other family we traveled with from AWAA

At a park near the hotel

                                                                   Allie’s favorite part of China!

                                 Looks like they are caught doing something they should not be doing!!
In our matching shirts for the flight home

            Sweet Allie was determined to make her piano recital the day after getting home! 
                                                                         Love her dedication

                                                       Mitchell & Sarah chilling at bedtime

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Journey’s Just Begun….

Today we went to the US Consulate to take an oath that everything we have provided is correct and then provide paperwork for Sarah’s visa.  She will be traveling on an IR3 with will make her a US citizen at our first port of entry which will be Detroit.  Allie and Sarah were dressed in their red, white and blue for the big day!

We should be able to pick up her Chinese passport and visa tomorrow afternoon and then leave for Hong Kong.  It’s hard to believe that our trip is coming to an end.  It has been such a great experience and while I am happy to be leaving for home there is a part of me that is sad that Sarah will be leaving everything she has ever known.

After the Consulate appointment Jerry said I made him shop until we all dropped!  It was a lot of fun, we went back to the island and once again ate at Lucy’s – our favorite restaurant by far!   I hate that we did not take the camera again, the island is so beautiful but it just gets hard to keep up with so much stuff!

After we got back to the hotel we chilled in the room, went to the pool and then the playground.  So many cute pictures!!

Allie was able to Skype with her class tonight (their Monday morning), she LOVED it.  I think she has actually missed school.  She is not always happy when we make her do her worksheets each day, but I know she has missed her friends.  Thanks Sara – Allie was very excited (unfortunately Sarah was not so happy)!

As we prepare to leave tomorrow afternoon for Hong Kong I ask for your prayers.  I think it is going to be hard for Sarah.  We have been in this same hotel room since we got her and this is home to her.  Tomorrow will be riding for 4 hr. to Hong Kong, new hotel room, 16 hr. flight home on Wednesday morning and then a new house.  That’s a lot to spring on her after just 9 days.  I pray that God will give her a peace to know that everything is going to be ok.

Not sure if we will get another post in before arriving home, will try to from Hong Kong depending on how late we get in.