For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, May 13, 2012

She Likes to Move It, Move It! She likes to MOVE IT!

Written by Jerry:  Oh what a day we had!  I have found the secret to Chinas weight loss program. They are a people on the move.  Most people either walk or ride a bike and all they eat is rice, vegetables and fish.  Our little Sarah is full of energy and personality and loves to MOVE IT!!  Today we went to the park and by park I mean a 90 acre piece of land with plenty of big hills and winding roads.  This place was huge it had carnival rides and a roller coaster.  It was amazing and very peaceful; we heard a group of people singing in the distance, I would like to think they were praising God but who knows?  It was beautiful to hear.  Sarah continues to amaze us with her personality and how fast she is fitting in with our crazy family.  She is warming up to me and my heart melts every time I can make her smile or steal a hug or kiss.  Her smile lights up the room and her laughter is contagious.  Amy, our guide, told us that affection was not a normal occurrence in the Chinese culture, so Sarah is not used to being kissed and hugged but she is warming up to it day by day. 

Written by Angie:  I agree with Jerry, the park was incredible!  A little more on the trip, after about 2 hours of walking we noticed some dark clouds moving in so we tried finding our way out (Sarah is asleep in the stroller by this point) and we figure out that we have to go back up the mountain to the other side.  As we make the journey in the 100 degree weather with 100% humidity we feel the rain drops start!  Jerry was holding the umbrella over the stroller trying to keep Sarah asleep but she eventually woke up.  As we got close to the hotel it started pouring!  We got soaked, but just another adventure in the journey.   After drying off and lunch we went shopping (again Jerry would say).  Then tonight we went to a Japanese Steakhouse for Mother’s Day dinner.  It was the best meal I have had since being in China!!
As for Mother’s Day – what a great day.  Sarah is continuing to grow closer to us each day, she has learned her name and comes when you call her.  She reaches for mama many times through the day and just melts my heart!  She can say mama (again I love that).  Mitchell & Allie have been so sweet today.  I am so blessed to have 3 wonderful children and an awesome husband!   

Here are some pictures from today:

                                                                   My first beautiful daughter

                                                     View of the city from the park / museum

                                                                   A museum in the park

                                                          Before the rain storm in the park
                                                              Family at Japanese Steakhouse
                                                                 Tonight playing on the bed


  1. Tried to send a comment yesterday.. no dice.. so happy mothers day! We watched your video in church today and it like the service was inspiring. Hope all goes well this week and hope to see you soon.

  2. When Deanna was little her mother embroidered this for her and we have since given it to Nick: Neither flesh of my flesh nor bone of my bone, still miraculously my own, never forget that you did not grow under my heart but in it. Mother. It was an anonymous poem that I believe you will appreciate.
