For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, March 30, 2012

We have an update!!!

What a great way to start a Friday - We have UPDATED pictures and information on Sarah:
     Weight - 22 lbs.
     Height - 32"
     Foot - 4.7"
     Intellectual Development - excellent simulating skills and good memory
     Movement - She can walk alone and quickly
     Language - She has some language delays, however can say simple works such as "bye-bye"     
     and auntie
     Meals - has 3 meals of porridge and 4 milk bottles (I was a little surprised by this - but think  
     she will be off of it pretty quickly once she uses a straw and sippy cup)!
     She is still using diapers and is a good sleeper - YEAH!!
     She likes to play with others and toys

She is so adorable, I think she looks a little darker (probably the blue from her heart condition), I think she will turn more "pink" once we get her home and have surgery! 


  1. Beautiful girl! In just a short time you will have a Mommy and Daddy to love you FOREVER!

  2. Precious! Praying you get her home quickly and that His hands are on her while you wait, when she comes home, and during surgery!!!

  3. She's beautiful! I can't wait to meet her one day SOON! I'm praying to that end...that God will continue to allow the expedite process to go quickly. I love how the Lord is weaving our stories together.

  4. Angie,
    so glad all the steps are done except for bringing her home!

    I was GLAD our baby girl was still on a bottle LOL! I still have her on it. It is actually really great for bonding and attachment. Our girl still eats a lot so I love the fact she takes her bottle (3-4 times a day). I tried to give our older daughter a bottle when she came home at 3, but she wouldn't take it.

    Just a little 2 cents, for all it is worth! ;)

    I hope you are able to blog a little while you are away, and I think it sounds like she is doing great and seeing her walking on her own two feet is really good to see!
