For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sorry I have not been so good posting since being home, but little Sarah has been so GREAT!!!  She has adjusted better than I could have ever imagined.  She is eating good, sleeping good, attaching good and just all around perfect!

As many of you know the diagnosis from the cardiologist was a little more severe that what we expected, however we know that she is in God’s hands and we have just been amazed as how he has kept her safe over the past 2 years.  We are in the hospital today for her heart cath and she is scheduled for surgery next Wed (6/6).   We prayed this morning that it would be easy on her (having nothing to eat, getting an IV, etc..).  Our prayers were answered (as they always are), the child life staff has been great, she loved the play room, they did not do the IV until she was asleep.  While there were some screaming, overall she did GREAT!

I am posting some pictures from our last days in China (since I was not able to log on from Hong Kong) and a few since we have gotten home.

                                   Our family with the other family we traveled with from AWAA

At a park near the hotel

                                                                   Allie’s favorite part of China!

                                 Looks like they are caught doing something they should not be doing!!
In our matching shirts for the flight home

            Sweet Allie was determined to make her piano recital the day after getting home! 
                                                                         Love her dedication

                                                       Mitchell & Sarah chilling at bedtime

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