For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cry me a River…

This is the title Jerry gave me for today’s blog.  Poor Sarah has had a tough day!  Through the hours of tears today there have been really good moments and she is starting to gradually show her personality.  She slept great last night, did not wake up until around 7:30 this morning.  That is when the tears started!  Jerry got her up and she just cried like she did not know where she was, it was very sad.  After a little while she settled down (dad showed he how to play some drums and she likes the noise).

We learned today that she is a good eater, she will try anything.  At breakfast she ate the rice congee they have been feeding her, but also had some banana, potato cakes, watermelon & was reaching for bacon (which we did not give her).  All day, anytime someone had food, she wanted some (and of course she usually gets what she wants)!!

After breakfast we had several appointments where we finalized the adoption.  She officially became ours today!  All the paperwork and interviews were done.  We still have a couple more items this week, but today is the day she was officially adopted into our family.  Thank you Lord for such a wonderful blessing!!  Sarah cried most of the morning at the civil affairs office.  It was hard because there were so many people and interviews of how we would care for her.  It was at this point I think she made the decision that she only wanted mom.  While very sweet for me and the first time she reached for me was awesome, but I know dad is struggling with this (as every time he looks or talks to her she cries).  I know it will get better with time, but he just wants to cuddle up and snuggle with her and she just can’t do it yet.

After home from the appointments (and a car ride where she screamed the entire time) she was glad to get back to the room and settle down.  The kids wanted to so swimming before lunch so we decided to put Sarah’s swimsuit on and see how she did with the water.  To our surprise, she LOVED it!

She seems to do very well in the room.  We gave her some noodles for lunch, which she loved of course! 

The hotel has a playground on the 4th floor, so we decided to venture down and see if she would like it – it took some time to get used to, but it was the most I had seen her walk around.  That was a great experience.

Then more playing in the room, crying, food, bath and skype with Grandma.  Here are some more really cute pictures from today!


  1. I am full and overflowing for you! Praise to the Most High for His unending love!! We cannot wait until you get home with her. She looks great and I can't wait to get my hands on her!! Electronically sending you as much love as us possible!!'

  2. Thanks Faye!! It's awesome and God is so amazing! Through the tears I know that God has provided her workers that cared for her and she is just missing them. It will take time, but she is getting closer to us each day!

  3. Hey Mrs. Angie I am praying for you guys and Sarah. I can see that she is getting used to all of you. I can't wait to see her when you guys get back. We should skype soon before you guys come home.

  4. What a doll!!!!!! We are so happy and continue to look forward to these awesome heartfelt messages. Stephen and Deanna sobota

  5. What a doll!!!!!! We are so happy and continue to look forward to these awesome heartfelt messages. Stephen and Deanna sobota

  6. Angie, I am sure you posted it somewhere.. How old is Ms Sarah? I have really enjoyed reading your blog and seeing the pictures. What an amazing journey!
